Fallout 4 weapons of the new millenia
Fallout 4 weapons of the new millenia

fallout 4 weapons of the new millenia fallout 4 weapons of the new millenia

Millenias Mares Leg suppressor And holo sight add on (with Weapon of the New Millenia Version) Millenias M14 FullAuto Conversion with HoloSight (with Weapon of the New Millenia Version) Millenias L96A1 Wood Furniture add on (with Weapon of the New Millenia Version) Millenias IMI UZI Wood Furniture add on (with Weapon of the New Millenia Version) MTindle and stand-alone not yet supported. Millenia's Colt M4A1 (WotNM) ACOG Conversion hitman47101's kNVSE Animations on Other Vanilla Weaponsīoth the ESP version and Replacer only work for this version. Literally won't do anything without this lol.Ĭlassic Fallout Weapons and Weapons of the New Millenia Value AdjustmentsĬraftable Weapon Mods - Weapons of the New Milleniaĭoor Placement Fix for Gun Runners Actually Run Guns and Weapons of the New Millenia Asurah's Reanimation sound fix for FAMAS and CAWSĪsurah's Reanimation sound fix for Millenia's AKsĪWN - After War Nevada - Complete Overhaul ModīLT's Stupendously Sexy Weapon Renamer for Mtindle and WOTNM Complete.

Fallout 4 weapons of the new millenia